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Onkológia (Oncology)

Electronic ISSN
Immunologists, Oncologists, Physicians, Physicians - Medicine
The journal Oncology is a professional, postgraduate-oriented periodical that broadly provides up-to-date information on knowledge in the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of oncological diseases that can be used in the daily practice of oncologists. It is published in cooperation with the Slovak Oncology Society SLS and the Slovak Chemotherapy Society SLS. With his contributions divided into review articles with a monothematic focus, original works and case studies, or review articles of a general nature, he participates in the further education of doctors and other scientific workers who deal with oncology issues in practice. The magazine is complemented by reports from domestic and foreign professional events, but a suitable diversion is also brief overviews of interesting things in foreign literature,
Sponsoring Association(s)
Slovak Chemotherapy Society, Slovak Oncology Society (SIS)
Publisher Name
SOLEN, sro
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