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P&T (Pharmacy and Therapeutics)

Title Abbreviation
Clinical Pharmacists, Consultant Pharmacists, Healthcare Executives, Hospitalists, Managed Care Pharmacists, Managed Care Specialists, Medical Directors, Nurses, Pharmacists, Physicians
P&T® provides pharmacy and therapeutics committee members with the latest information to help them manage their formularies and establish medication-related policies. Articles are authored by experts in the field and undergo a thorough peer review. A crucial aspect of P&T®’s mission is to highlight research and data on drug utilization, prescribing, and adverse drug reactions in order to facilitate the best possible outcomes for patients. Editorial content targets P&T committee members across the health care spectrum, including those in hospitals, health systems, and managed care organizations as well as individuals who are state and federal formulary decision makers. Articles address cost-containment strategies, critical drug appraisals, drug utilization evaluations, and disease management.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
MediMedia USA
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