

Abbreviated Title (Journals)

Found directly under the Journals official title. This is the Index Medicus abbreviation of the journal’s name, taken directly from PubMed’s NLM Catalog.

Abstract Published In

Some, but not all, congresses publish abstracts accepted for presentation. When they are published, this field notes where they may be found. Typical abstract publishing outlets include medical journals, congress program, abstract book, website, or Mobile App. If accepted abstracts are published in a journal, the title is a link which directs the user to the Journal Detaili page within the database.

Acceptance to Online Publication

The amount of time the journal typically takes between the time a submission is accepted and the time it appears in the journal’s online portal. Typically, this is a shorter span than the time it takes to be in print. Some journals still exist only in print, but more and more journals are establishing an online presence, with access (paid or free) to articles they accept for publication.

Acceptance to Print Publication

The amount of time the journal typically takes between the time a submission is accepted and the time it is published in the journal’s print edition. This may be noted as a range (e.g. 4-6 weeks) or single time notation (e.g., 3 weeks).

Accepts Case Reports

Does the journal accept practitioner case studies? Answer may be yes (green check mark ), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).

Accepts Continuing Education

Does the journal accept submissions on continuing education? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).

Accepts Encores

Does the congress accept abstracts that have been previously presented or published elsewhere? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark). Encore policies are often coupled with specific details/restrictions, which can be found here as well (e.g. Previously presented and/or published work may not be submitted unless the work was presented at a local meeting, or previously presented work may be considered only if it has not be published.)

Accepts Pharmacoeconomics

Does the journal accept submissions focused on pharmacoeconomics? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).

Accepts Submissions

Is the journal open to accepting any submissions, or are all articles solicited? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).

Accepts Trials in Progress

Does this congress consider the submissions of Trials in Progress? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark). This field may be accompanied by any specifications (e.g. TiPs will only be considered if…).

Accepts Video Abstracts

Does this congress consider the submissions of Video Abstracts? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark). This field may be accompanied by any specifications (e.g. Either during the general call for abstracts, or a separate call or as a presentation at the congress.)

Acronym (Congress)

Found directly under the congress titles. This is the abbreviation of the congress name or the sponsoring association. Like the other titles, this searchable field enhances discoverability.

Article Processing Charge (APC)

"APC" stands for article publishing charge. These charges are paid by Authors, Author's institution, or funding bodies, to fund open access publication of articles.


A list of the types of professionals that attend the meeting according to the organizers and/or sponsors.


Brief Commentary

Does the journal accept submissions of brief commentaries? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).


Click Here for Author Guidelines

A direct link to a journal’s Author Guidelines, which may be either a website or a PDF, providing specific author instructions and requirements for submitting a manuscript. This link will show more in-depth formatting and requirements the journal requires.

Click Here for the Call for Abstracts

A direct link to a congress’s Abstract Submission Guidelines, which may be either a website or a PDF, providing specific author instructions and requirements for submitting an abstract. This link will show more indepth formatting and requirements the congress requires.

Clinically Focused

Does the journal focus on publishing material oriented to clinical practice? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).

CME Accredited

Does the journal have continuing medical education (CME) accreditation? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).

CME/CE Credit Available

Does the congress have continuing medical education (CME) accreditation?

CME/CE Focus

Does the journal focus on publishing continuing medical education material? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).

Congress Contact

An email address link to the current contact for the congress; this is usually the congress secretariat or technical secretary responsible for abstract information.

Congress Last Updated

Records the date on which PubsHub staff last updated or verified the information contained in a congress’s record.

Creative Commons License Type

Creative Commons licenses are public copyright licenses that allow creators to specify the permissions for using their works. There are six different types of Creative Commons licenses listed from most to least permissive here: CC BY, CC BY-SA, CC BY-NC, CC BY-NC-SA, CC BY-ND, CC BY-NC-ND, and CC0. Please check the detailed information on each license type by clicking the "Creative Common License Type" link (highlighted in blue) under ‘Open Access’ section.


Dates (Congress)

This section lists the congress dates from the past, present, and future. It includes the city, state, and country where the congress was/will be held, which Congress (34th, 45th, etc.) it is, and the venue where the congress is/was held. This may also include any other notes about the congress. In most cases, this section includes the Abstract Due Date, Start Date, and End Date. Other dates may include Abstract Notification Date, Abstract Due Date (Oral Only),Abstract Notification Date (Oral Only) 2nd Abstract Due Date, 2nd Abstract Notification Date, Symposia Due Date, Late-Breaking Abstract Due Date, Late-Breaking Notification Date, Clinical Trial Late-Breaking Due Date, and Industry-Sponsored Abstracts. Dates accompanied with an * verifies that it is unconfirmed. Unconfirmed dates are estimated based on the congress’s past patterns and/or current year’s website. Dates are also subject to change (e.g. deadline extensions, postponements, etc.)

Digital Enhancements

Does this journal allow authors the option to include Digital Enhancements like Cover Pictures, Visual Abstracts, Frontispieces and Graphics to their published articles? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).


Editorial Staff

An email address link with a description of contact type or position. (e.g. Editor-in-Chief, Presubmission Inquiries, etc.)

Education Focus

Does the journal publish material focusing on education? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).


The electronic International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for a journal. Journals that do not have an e-ISSN may not have a formal online publishing presence.

Electronic Circulation

Is typically counted as monthly downloads or views online for the journal. If available, this figure will be accompanied by an Electronic circulation breakdown, which includes the geographical distribution by country - i.e., UK, US, ROW (rest of world). Can also be broken down by the types of subscribers.


This feature exports your formatted page directly into Excel. Export feature can be found on detail pages, search results, compare lists etc.



For journals, the number of issues released each year. For congresses, the scheduled recurrence of the meeting.


Impact Factor

The impact factor (JIF) or journal impact factor of an academic journal is a scientometric index calculated by Clarivate that reflects the yearly mean number of citations of articles published in the last two years in a given journal, as indexed by Clarivate's Web of Science. It is used to measure the importance or rank of a journal by calculating the times its articles are cited. This figure is updated once a year.

Indexed in PubMed/Medline

Is the journal indexed in PubMed and/or MEDLINE. Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark). Occasionally, the journal will be listed in PubMed, but not currently indexed in MEDLINE. Specifications can be found in the journal’s ‘Notes’ field.


This is the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) of a journal.


JCI (Journal Citation Indicator)

Clarivate measure of the average Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI) of citable items (articles & reviews) published by a journal over a recent three-year period. It is used to help you evaluate journals based on other metrics besides the Journal Impact Factor (JIF). The JIF is used for comparing the citation impact of journals within a discipline, the JCI provides a single number that represents journal citation impact across adjacent research fields. Average performance is set to 1.0, so a journal that receives a JCI score of 2.5 performed two and-a-half times better than average, while a journal with a score of 0.5 performed only half as well. All journals indexed in Clarivate’s Core Collection will receive a JCI, not all earn a JIF. This figure is updated once a year.

JCR Categories

Journal Citation Reports (JCR) categories are published by Clarivate and is integrated with the Web of Science. Web of Science Coverage within the Core Collection fall within two indexes, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). Journal Impact Factor and the JCR category are directly connected. These categories are updated once a year.

Journal Last Updated

Records the date on which PubsHub staff last updated or verified the information contained in this journal’s record.



The official language of the journal or congresses. Field may contain multiple languages (e.g. if translation services are available or the publication is produced in multiple languages).

Letters to the Editor

Does the journal accept letters to the editor? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).


Membership Requirement

Does this meeting require any form of membership? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark). This field may be accompanied by any specifications (e.g. submissions are only considered from members of the sponsoring associations, or non-members must be sponsored by a member in good standing, etc.)


Notes (Congress)

This section includes any pertinent, interesting, and/or useful information not covered by the other fields that a presenter should know before attempting to submit an abstract. Information listed here is not categorized elsewhere.

Notes (Journal)

This section includes any pertinent, interesting, or useful information not covered by the other fields that an author should know before attempting to submit a manuscript. Information listed here is not categorized elsewhere.

Number of Attendees

The estimated number of people that attend the congress. This number is often based on the congress’s past patterns.


Online-Only Journal

Is the journal published online only (no print edition)? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).

Open Access

If the journal offers an open access publication? Answer may be Yes (green check mark), No (red circle with slash through it), or Unknown (question mark). Often, Open access journals require an APC (Article Processing Charge). To know the type of open access, type of open access license, and cost, check the ‘Open Access’ section.

Original Research

Does the journal accept original research submissions? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).

Other Accepted Articles

Types of articles a journal accepts that are not currently listed as a one of the primary options. Often, this section may include specifics about the volume of articles accepted (e.g. most reviews are solicited, however, unsolicited may be considered, or case reports are rarely accepted, but still welcome, etc.)

Other Publishing Services

Nonstandard publishing services provided by the journal. These often include a sponsoring association’s meeting abstracts, supplements, sister publications, and transfer services.


Peer Reviewed

Is the journal peer reviewed? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark). Most of the journals in PubsHub are peer-reviewed.

Plain Language Summaries

Does this journal allow authors the option to accompany their accepted article with a Plain Language Summary (PLS)? AKA Lay Summary. Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).

Policy Focus

Does the journal have a focus on articles covering public health issues? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark)

Practice Focus

Is the journal focused on the practice of medicine? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).

Presubmission Criteria

If there are any presubmission requirements an author needs to know to create a submission, they are listed here. Sometimes the URL for the submission site of the journal is listed here.

Presubmission Package

Does the journal require submission of some elements before the main submission? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).

Print Circulation

Describes the number of issues circulated in print. If available, this figure will be accompanied by an circulation breakdown, which includes the geographical distribution by country - i.e., UK, US, ROW (rest of world). Can also be broken down by the types of subscribers.


A listing of the contact information for the publisher.


Rapid Communications

One of the scientific article types which is published at a high speed than other articles. Does the journal offer a rapid publication option? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark). Typically, there is a charge associated with rapid publication.


According to the journal, types of professionals that utilize the resource. Targeted professionals based on the scope of the journal.

Rejection Rate

The percentage of submitted articles that the journal declines to publish. This figure is an estimate often provided by a journal/publisher contact.

Requests Data Availability Statement

Does this journal ask authors to include a statement in their submission outlining where the data is publicly available? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).

Require Clinical Trial Registration

Does the journal require preregistration of data used in a submission in the database to be considered for publication? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).

Research Oriented

Does the journal have an orientation toward research-focused publication? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).

Restrictions/Guidelines (Congress)

This section includes information on submission guidelines. This may include the specifics of the abstract (length of abstract, figure/table details, etc.), what types of submissions are accepted, and any other restrictions that might be important for the submitter to know.


Does the journal accept review articles? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).



This field represents the aim or purpose of the journal and what is discussed within the journal. It is how the journal describes itself.

Sponsoring Association(s)

This lists the name, contact information and website link of the association(s) that are directly linked to the journal or congress.

Submission Fee (Congress)

Does this congress require authors to pay a submission fee for their abstract to be considered? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark). This field may be accompanied by any specifications (e.g. price, exceptions, etc.)

Submission Fee (Journal)

Does this journal require authors to pay a submission fee for their article/manuscript to be considered? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark). This is not the same as a publishing fee which is only collected after the article has been accepted.

Submission to Acceptance

The amount of time from submission to acceptance. The average/target time the peer review takes based on journal’s past performance. This can be given in a range (i.e., 4 to 6 weeks depicting first decision to acceptance) or one-time general frame (i.e., 15 weeks.) This figure is an estimate often provided by a journal/publisher contact.


Does the journal publish paid articles on topics of interest as a separate issue of the journal or as part of a regular issue, known as supplements? Answer may be yes (green check mark), no (red circle with slash through it), or unknown (question mark).


Therapeutic Area(s)

This field lists the medical area of focus in which PubsHub classifies a journal or congress. Congresses and journals may have multiple therapeutic areas. These are based on mission statements, scope, a general venue description on credible websites.

Title (Journal)

The official title of the journal provided by the publisher.

Titles (Congress)

Each congress has 2 titles. The top title (in blue) is the official name and is an active link which directs the user to the current congress website. The second title is often a common name, or the name of the sponsoring association. Each title is searchable which enhances access and discoverability.

Type of Open Access (OA) - Bronze

Journals that are free to read online but do not have a license - they are not generally available for reuse.

Type of Open Access (OA) - Diamond/Platinum

Journals that publish OA but do not charge APCs. These are funded by institutions, advertising, philanthropy, etc.

Type of Open Access (OA) - Gold

Publisher makes the articles as fully accessible on the journal website, under a creative commons or similar license. An APC is usually paid by the author (or other funder). Hybrid - Subscription journal where the publisher allows authors to pay and make individual articles open access. Differs from a gold open access journal because a library (or other subscriber) is still paying for a subscription to the journal, so effectively, the publisher is paid twice for the article, once via subscription, and once via the APC to make the article OA.

Type of Open Access (OA) - Green

Refers to self-archiving generally of the pre or post-print of articles in repositories. There are three basic version types that can be self archived in repositories: Pre-Prints – The author's copy of article before it’s been reviewed by the publisher, or pre-reviewed; Post-Prints – The author's copy of article after it's been reviewed and corrected, but before the publisher has formatted it for publication, or post-reviewed; Publisher's Version – The version that is formatted and appears in print or online.