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Urologia Internationalis

Title Abbreviation
Urol Int
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Oncologists, Surgeons, Urologists
Concise but fully substantiated international reports of clinically oriented research into the science and current management of urogenital disorders form the nucleus of original as well as basic research papers. These are supplemented by up-to-date reviews by international experts on the state of the art of key topics of clinical urological practice. Essential topics receiving regular coverage include the introduction of new techniques and instrumentation as well as the evaluation of new functional tests and diagnostic methods. Special attention is given to advances in new surgical techniques and clinical oncology. The regular publication of selected case reports represents the great variation in urological disease and illustrates treatment solutions in singular cases.
Sponsoring Association(s)
German Society for Urology (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Urologie)
Publisher Name
Karger Publishers
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