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Journal of Endourology

Title Abbreviation
J Endourol
Electronic ISSN
Endocrinologists, Nephrologists, Urologists
Journal of Endourology and Videourology are the leading peer-reviewed journal and innovative videojournal companion covering all aspects of minimally invasive urology research, applications, and clinical outcomes. The leading journal of minimally invasive urology for over 30 years, Journal of Endourology is the essential publication for practicing surgeons who want to keep up with the latest surgical technologies in endoscopic, laparoscopic, robotic, and image-guided procedures as they apply to benign and malignant diseases of the genitourinary tract. This flagship journal includes the companion videojournal Videourology™ with every subscription. While Journal of Endourology remains focused on publishing rigorously peer reviewed articles, Videourology accepts original videos containing material that has not been reported elsewhere, except in the form of an abstract or a conference presentation. Journal of Endourology coverage includes: The latest laparoscopic, robotic, endoscopic, and image-guided techniques for treating both benign and malignant conditions, Pioneering research articles, Controversial cases in endourology, Techniques in endourology with accompanying videos, Reviews and epochs in endourology, Endourology survey section of endourology relevant manuscripts published in other journals.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Endourological Society (EUS), Italian Society of Endourology (Associazione Italiana di Endourologia) (IEA), Japanese Society of Endourology
Publisher Name
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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