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Bulletin du Cancer (Cancer Bulletin)

Title Abbreviation
Bull Cancer
Electronic ISSN
Biologists, Oncologists, Pharmacologists, Surgical Oncologists
The Bulletin du Cancer is indisputably the French-language reference publication in the field of oncology. Official organ of the French Cancer Society, this review covers all available information, whether in the form of original articles, summaries, clinical cases, letters and news. A free platform is also available. It includes various disciplines such as onco-hematology and solid tumors, medical oncology, pharmacology, epidemiology, biology and basic research in oncology. The Bulletin du Cancer also offers a clinical and therapeutic approach of high scientific standing at the forefront of innovations. Without doubt, the ' Cancer Bulletin ' is the French language publication of reference in the field of cancerology. Official journal of the French Society of Cancer, this journal covers all the information available, whether in the form of original articles or other articles, but also in the field of clinical practice, including various disciplines as onco-hematology, solids tumors, medical oncology, pharmacology, epidemiology, biology, and basic research in cancerology. The journal proposes a clinical and therapeutic approach of high scientific standard and regular updates in knowledge made possible.
Sponsoring Association(s)
French Cancer Society (Societe Francaise du Cancer) (SFC)
Publisher Name
Elsevier Masson SAS Éditeur
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