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Clinical Microbiology Newsletter

Title Abbreviation
Clin Microbiol Newsl
Clinical Microbiologists, Clinicians, Epidemiologists, Infectious Disease Specialists, Microbiologists, Pathologists, Scientists, Technologists
Highly respected for its ability to keep pace with advances in this fast moving field, Clinical Microbiology Newsletter has quickly become a benchmark for anyone in the lab. Twice a month the newsletter reports on changes that affect your work, ranging from articles on new diagnostic techniques, to surveys of how readers handle blood cultures, to editorials questioning common procedures and suggesting new ones. Clinical Microbiology Newsletter brings you: – Minireviews on pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology, therapy of infectious diseases – Practical and brief articles on laboratory techniques – Indispensable updates on important clinical problems – Editorials and opinions on controversial issues in laboratory medicine – Helpful tips on improving the laboratory workplace – Instructive case reports that describe or resolve difficult or unusual clinical cases.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
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Elsevier Inc - NY
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