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Gene Therapy

Title Abbreviation
Gene Ther
Electronic ISSN
Biologists, Clinical Microbiologists, Microbiologists, Molecular Biologists, Researchers, Scientists
Gene Therapy covers both the research and clinical applications of the new genetic therapy techniques currently being developed. Over the last decade, gene therapy protocols have entered clinical trials in increasing numbers and as they cover a wide spectrum of diseases, these studies promise to unite the diverse organ-based specialities into which modern medicine has become divided. Gene Therapy covers all aspects of gene therapy as applied to human disease, including: novel technological developments for gene transfer, control and silencing; 'Enabling technologies' describing novel technological, methodological or experimental techniques for gene therapy research; basic science studies of mechanisms of gene transfer and control of expression; preclinical animal model systems and validation studies; clinical trial reports which have significant impact for the field; gene-based vaccine development and applications; cell-based therapies including all aspects of stem cells and genetically modified cellular approaches.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Nature Publishing Group - UK
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