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Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice

Title Abbreviation
Psychol Psychother
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Mental Health Administrators, Mental Health Evaluators, Physiologists, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Researchers, Social Workers
Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory Research and Practice (formerly The British Journal of Medical Psychology) is an international scientific journal with a focus on the psychological and social processes that underlie the development and improvement of psychological problems and mental wellbeing, including: • theoretical and research development in the understanding of cognitive and emotional factors in psychological problems; • behaviour and relationships; vulnerability to, adjustment to, assessment of, and recovery (assisted or otherwise) from psychological distresses; • psychological therapies with a focus on understanding the processes which affect outcomes where mental health is concerned. The journal places particular emphasis on the importance of theoretical advancement and we request that authors frame their empirical analysis in a wider theoretical context and present the theoretical interpretations of empirical findings. We welcome submissions from mental health professionals and researchers from all relevant professional backgrounds both within the UK and internationally. In addition to more traditional, empirical, clinical research we welcome the submission of • systematic reviews following replicable protocols and established methods of synthesis • qualitative and other research which applies rigorous methods • high quality analogue studies where the findings have direct relevance to clinical models or practice.
Sponsoring Association(s)
British Psychological Society (BPS)
Publisher Name
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