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Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism

Title Abbreviation
Trends Endocrinol Metab
Electronic ISSN
Diabetologists, Endocrinologists, Immunologists, Molecular Biologists, Neurologists, Pharmacologists
Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism is a leading Reviews journal in the fields of metabolism and endocrinology. We publish polished, concise, highly read and cited articles of topics at the cutting edge covering basic, translational, and clinical aspects; from state-of-the-art treatments of endocrine diseases to new developments in molecular biology. Read about recent advancements in diabetes, endocrine diseases, obesity, neuroendocrinology, immunometabolism, molecular and cellular biology, and a host of other areas. TEM serves as an invaluable source of information for researchers, clinicians, lecturers, teachers and students. Reviews and Opinion articles form the foundation of each monthly issue. Reviews are invited from leading researchers in a specific field and objectively chronicle recent and important developments. Opinion articles provide a forum for debate and hypotheses. Our shorter pieces include Science & Society that highlight topical issues at the intersection of science, society and policy, Spotlights that focus on exciting recent developments in the literature, and single-point hypotheses as Forum articles. Responses to previously published TEM content are welcome and encouraged in the form of Letters.
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Publisher Name
Cell Press
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