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Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis

Title Abbreviation
J Thromb Thrombolysis
Electronic ISSN
Cardiologists, Clinicians, Hematologists, Scientists, Vascular Medicine Specialists
The Journal is a long-awaited resource for contemporary cardiologists, hematologists, vascular medicine specialists and clinician-scientists actively involved in treatment decisions and clinical investigation of thrombotic disorders involving the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems. The principal focus centers on the pathobiology of thrombosis and vascular disorders and the use of anticoagulants, platelet antagonists, cell-based therapies and interventions in scientific investigation, clinical-translational research and patient care. Publishes original work which emphasizes the interface between fundamental scientific principles and clinical investigation, stimulating an interdisciplinary and scholarly dialogue in thrombosis and vascular science. Published works will also define platforms for translational research, drug development, clinical trials and patient-directed applications. The integrated format will expand the reader's knowledge base and provide important insights for both the investigation and direct clinical application of the most rapidly growing fields in medicine-thrombosis and vascular science. The Journal seeks original manuscripts devoted to fundamental science in cardiovascular disease, laboratory investigation, pharmacogenetics, clinical research, global health and epidemiology. State-of-the-art reviews, position papers and editorials will be summoned by invitation from the editor or an appointed guest editor.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Anticoagulation Forum
Publisher Name
Springer Science and Business Media
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