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British Journal of Surgery

Title Abbreviation
Br J Surg
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Breast Surgeons, Surgeons, Vascular Surgeons
BJS is the premier surgical journal in Europe and one of the top six surgical periodicals in the world. Its international readership is reflected in the prestigious international Editorial Board, supported by a panel of over 1200 reviewers worldwide. BJS features the very best in clinical and laboratory-based research on all aspects of general surgery and related topics. Developing areas such as minimally invasive therapy and interventional radiology are strongly represented. The inclusion of Leading articles, Reviews and Original Articles means that the BJS offers an appropriate format for any length or type of submission. In addition there are abstracts from key meetings and correspondence. BJS will be of interest not only to general surgeons, but also to specialty surgeons and those working in related fields.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI), Society of Academic and Research Surgery (SARS)
Publisher Name
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. - UK
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