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Oncology Research

Title Abbreviation
Oncol Res
Electronic ISSN
Biologists, Biomedical Researchers, Cell Biologists, Clinical Pharmacists, Clinical Pharmacologists, Clinicians, Cytologists, Endocrinologists, Epidemiologists, Immunologists, Interventionalists, Molecular Biologists, Nuclear Medicine Physicians, Nurse Oncologists, Oncologists, Pharmaco-Epidemiologists, Pharmacologists, Physicians, Physicians - Medicine, Radiation Oncologists, Researchers, Residents
Oncology Research is committed to publishing high-quality, innovative research that is focused on the entire range of preclinical, translational, and clinical cancer therapeutics. Specific areas of interest include preclinical and translational research in development of novel small molecules and targeted therapies; mechanisms of drug sensitivity; mechanisms of cellular drug resistance; biomarkers of response and/or resistance; novel experimental model systems and technologies relating to cancer therapeutics; pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics; personalized medicine; immunotherapy and clinical immunology; gene therapy; and radiobiology and novel approaches to radiation therapy either alone or in combination with chemotherapy. For studies that investigate the role of microRNAs and non-coding RNAs as regulators of cellular gene expression, it will be important for more in-depth mechanistic studies to be conducted that confirm their biological activity and their potential effect as mediators of chemosensitivity. The journal also prioritizes preclinical studies that are focused on drug design, chemical biology, and drug screening. While the journal’s primary focus is on small molecules and protein drugs, other molecular entities may be considered. Submissions that investigate the potential role of herbal/botanical medicines in preclinical and clinical cancer therapy are welcomed; however, it will be important to document that these medicines are of high quality, with confirmation of batch to batch consistency.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Cognizant Communication Corporation
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