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Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment

Title Abbreviation
Addict Disord Their Treat
Electronic ISSN
Clinicians, General Practitioners, Pharmacologists, Physicians, Primary Care Physicians, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Social Workers, Substance Abuse Administrators
Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment is a quarterly international journal devoted to practical clinical research and treatment issues related to the misuses of alcohol and licit and illicit drugs and the study and treatment of addictive disorders and their behaviors. The journal publishes broad-spectrum, patient-oriented coverage of all aspects of addiction, directed toward an audience of psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychopharmacologists, and primary care practitioners. Original articles help clinicians make more educated, effective decisions regarding optimal patient management and care. In-depth reviews examine current understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of addiction disorders. Short reports include preliminary communications or case reports on unusual or otherwise important aspects of addiction disorders. Case reviews provide comprehensive case presentations emphasizing key points in the differential diagnosis, workup, and treatment plan. Special sections include editorials, book reviews, meeting announcements, and letters to the editor.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - PA
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