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Asian Journal of Andrology

Title Abbreviation
Asian J Androl
Electronic ISSN
Andrologists, Urologists
Asian Journal of Andrology, (AJA) launched in 1999, is an international peer-reviewed open-access journal devoted to basic and clinical andrology and related sciences. AJA is sponsored by the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIMM) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). AJA has an Advanced Online Publication service and publishes in print bimonthly. The Editor-in-Chief of AJA is Professor Jin-Song Li from the Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The scope of AJA includes, but is not limited to: Male infertility: etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention; Sperm biology: cellular and molecular mechanisms; Semen analysis, sperm function, and ART outcomes; Male reproduction: structure, function, and hormonal regulation; Male sexual dysfunction; Male puberty development; Male aging; Prostate diseases; Surgical technique and treatment in the field of andrology; Environmental, lifestyle, and genetic factors in male health.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Publisher Name
Shanghai Materia Medica
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