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Pediatric Dermatology

Title Abbreviation
Pediatr Dermatol
Electronic ISSN
Clinical Pharmacologists, Clinicians, Dermatologists, Neonatologists, Pediatricians, Physicians, Residents
The journal provides cutting edge, international information focusing on diagnosis and treatment plus reports of interesting and unusual diseases reported through our Clinical and Laboratory Investigations, Diagnostic Dilemmas, Pharmacology and Therapeutics and Brief Reports sections. Equally important, the journal provides teaching vignettes in the format of the Pediatric Dermatology Procedures and Pearls and What is Your Diagnosis columns as well as our newly established section Genetics for Pediatric Dermatologists. Pediatric Dermatology answers the need for new ideas and strategies for today's pediatrician or dermatologist. As a teaching vehicle, the Journal is still unsurpassed and it will continue to present the latest on topics such as hemangiomas, atopic dermatitis, rare and unusual presentations of childhood diseases, neonatal medicine, and therapeutic advances. As important progress is made in any area involving infants and children, Pediatric Dermatology is there to publish the findings.
Sponsoring Association(s)
European Society for Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD), International Society of Pediatric Dermatology (ISPD), Society for Pediatric Dermatology (SPD)
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