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Virus Research

Title Abbreviation
Virus Res
Electronic ISSN
Cell Biologists, Immunologists, Infectious Disease Specialists, Pathologists, Researchers
Virus Research provides a means of fast publication for original research papers in the field of molecular virology. We deal with all kinds of viruses, whether they infect bacteria, plants, animals or human beings. Contributions on new developments concerning virus structure, replication, pathogenesis and evolution are encouraged. These include reports describing virus morphology, the function and antigenic analysis of virus structural components, virus genome structure and expression, analysis on virus replication processes, virus evolution in connection with antiviral interventions, effects of viruses on their host cells, particularly on the immune system, and the pathogenesis of virus infections, including oncogene activation and transduction. We do not accept reports on just a new virus genome sequence. Purely clinical and epidemiological virology papers should not be submitted to Virus Research. The journal also publishes review articles on topics of current interest, special issues focused on a defined subject, and occasional book reviews, editorials and meeting reports.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Elsevier Inc - NY
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