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Future Cardiology

Title Abbreviation
Future Cardiol
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Bioengineers, Cardiologists, Cardiovascular Surgeons, Clinical Pharmacologists, Clinicians, Molecular Biologists, Surgeons, Vascular Medicine Specialists, Vascular Surgeons
Research advances have contributed to improved outcomes across all specialities, but the rate of advancement in cardiology has been exceptional. Concurrently, the population of patients with cardiac conditions continues to grow and greater public awareness has increased patients' expectations of new drugs and devices. Future Cardiology reflects this new era of cardiology and highlights the new molecular approach to advancing cardiovascular therapy. Coverage will also reflect the major technological advances in bioengineering in cardiology in terms of advanced and robust devices, miniaturization, imaging, system modelling and information management issues. We also take a new approach to the way information is structured and delivered, so that its value is maximized to the reader. Accessible 'at-a-glance' formats are important in an increasingly time-constrained clinical community. Topics include the following areas: Advanced device and imaging technologies, Interventional and surgical approaches, Molecular basis of cardiovascular disease, New diagnostic approaches, screening and patient stratification, Personalized medicine in cardiology, Therapeutic overviews highlighting optimal therapy and future options, Real-world evidence and outcomes research.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
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Taylor & Francis, Inc. - UK
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