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Ostomy Wound Management

Title Abbreviation
Ostomy Wound Manage
Electronic ISSN
Dermatologists, Dietitians, General Practitioners, Nutritionists, Physiotherapists, Rehabilitation Therapists
This small journal dramatically expanded by embracing the overlapping disciplines of ostomy care, wound care, incontinence care, and related skin and nutritional issues and became the premier journal of its kind. Readers include health care professionals from multiple disciplines. Today, readers benefit from contemporary and comprehensive review and research papers that are practical, clinically oriented, and cutting edge. Sponsored columns are provided by manufacturers to elucidate the science behind their products and to offer evidence of their appropriate and successful use. Additionally, OWM departments include Nutrition 411, My Scope of Practice, Special to OWM, and various opportunities for editorial insights and feedback. Material available exclusively online includes Industry Spotlight and several rotating columns addressing quality and safety, quick practice tips, and case studies. Readers typically consume the journal cover to cover, pass it along to colleagues, and use articles for inservices and other educational programs within their institutions. Accessibility and applicability in the clinical setting are the cornerstones of OWM's enduring popularity. The Philosophy encompasses: 1. to advance the science and art of skin, wound, ostomy, and incontinence care; 2. help authors clearly express and share their findings and ideas; 3. improve the quality of patient care and protect the public by monitoring the scientific integrity of information published in Ostomy Wound Management.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Association for the Advancement of Wound Care (AAWC)
Publisher Name
HMP Communications, LLC
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