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Haematologica - The Hematology Journal

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Therapeutic Area
Clinicians, Hematologists, Immunologists, Oncologists, Researchers
Haematologica is the main tool through which the Ferrata-Storti Foundation, a non-profit organization, promotes the dissemination of new knowledge in the field of hematology. A high quality of articles, immediate free access to everything published and the lowest possible cost for authors are the principles that inspire Haematologica management. Haematologica considers for publication manuscripts on physiology and pathophysiology of hematopoiesis and blood cells as well as clinical studies on disorders that hematology departments take care of. Papers that focus primarily on disorders of vessels, atherosclerosis included, are outside the scope of Haematologica and will not be considered for publication. Haematologica does not publish the results of studies that have already been published, even partially, or are going to be published in any form. Meeting abstracts are the only exception. Haematologica reserves the right to seek evidence of plagiarism. Haematologica does not even consider for publication papers not reporting primary data whose preparation has been promoted, sponsored or supported in any way by a company whose product is discussed in the paper. Potential conflicts of interest of single authors are not considered an obstacle for publication (all authors are required to disclose competing interests during the online submission process).
Sponsoring Association(s)
Italian Society of Experimental Hematology (Societa' Italiana di Ematologia Sperimentale) (SIES), Italian Society of Hematology (Societa Italiana di Ematologia) (SIE)
Publisher Name
Ferrata Storti Foundation
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