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Transfusion Medicine Reviews

Title Abbreviation
Transfus Med Rev
Electronic ISSN
Cell Biologists, Cytologists, Hematologists, Nurses, Physicians, Technologists
ransfusion Medicine Reviews provides an international forum in English for the publication of scholarly work devoted to the various sub-disciplines that comprise Transfusion Medicine including hemostasis and thrombosis and cellular therapies. The scope of the journal encompasses basic science, practical aspects, laboratory developments, clinical indications, and adverse effects. The journal seeks the following types of manuscripts: Original research in topic areas of broad interest to the field of Transfusion Medicine, Hemostasis, or Cellular Therapies. Critical analytic reviews of published literature on a topic relevant to the fields of Transfusion Medicine, Hemostasis, or Cellular Therapies. These can include systematic reviews or meta-analyses. Reviews should analyze the strengths and weaknesses of prior work, and identify current gaps in knowledge. Presentation of new data relevant to the review topic is encouraged. Manuscripts describing the rationale, design, and data analysis of pivotal on-going clinical trials. Conference proceedings and educational material (by invitation). Themed issues focused on a specific topic under the leadership of an invited Guest Editor. Summaries of emerging new technologies and other topics (by invitation).
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Elsevier Science Saunders - Philadelphia, PA
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