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Clinical and Vaccine Immunology

Title Abbreviation
Clin Vaccine Immunol
Electronic ISSN
Clinical Microbiologists, Clinical Pharmacologists, Immunologists, Infectious Disease Specialists, Microbiologists, Pathologists, Scientists
CVI enhances our understanding of the immune response in health and disease and after vaccination by publishing new and relevant findings in clinical, laboratory, and vaccine immunology. CVI’s areas of interest include cellular and humoral immunity in humans and animals, immunological and immune-mediated disorders (including new animal models for immunologic diseases and dysfunction), immunotherapy, microbial immunology and microbial immune pathogenesis, veterinary and One Health immunology, development and standardization of immunological assays, and immunoepidemiology. In particular, the journal highlights important discoveries in immunization and vaccine research, such as vaccine antigen discovery and vaccine design, development and evaluation of vaccines, characterization of human and animal immune responses to vaccines and mechanisms of vaccine action, controlled challenge studies to assess vaccine efficacy, study of vaccine vectors, adjuvants, and immunomodulators, immune correlates of protection and vaccine efficacy, and clinical trials.
Sponsoring Association(s)
American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
Publisher Name
American Society for Microbiology
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