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European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology

Title Abbreviation
Eur J Gynaecol Oncol
Clinicians, Gynecologists, Obstetricians, Oncologists, Physicians, Physicians - Medicine, Residents
European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology (EJGO) was founded in 1980, the second gynaecologic oncology hyperspecialization journal in the world. Since its inception, the EJGO has as its primary aim to assemble and diffuse scientific knowledge in every area of gynecologic oncology. Its extensive reach all over the world allows to collect high-quality papers and clinical reports on many interesting subjects from every country, to include those of low resources. Our main goal is the diffusion of knowledge and advances in prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, and palliation of female genital malignancies. This publication attempts to cover all aspects of gynecologic oncology in an interdisciplinary approach that includes gynecologists, pathologists, oncologists, radiologists, surgeons, urologists, geneticists, epidemiologists, basic scientists, and others interested in this field. EJGO is committed to publishing high quality manuscripts, such as original research studies, systematic reviews and meta-analysis, case reports, and letters to the Editor in a timely manner.
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