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Journal of Lipid Research

Title Abbreviation
J Lipid Res
Electronic ISSN
Biologists, Cell Biologists, Cytologists, Immunologists, Molecular Biologists, Nutritionists, Researchers, Scientists
The Journal of Lipid Research focuses on the science of lipids in health and disease. The journal emphasizes lipid function and the biochemical and genetic regulation of lipid metabolism and aims to be on the forefront of the emerging areas of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics as they relate to lipid metabolism and function. In addition, JLR publishes manuscripts on patient-oriented and epidemiological research relating to altered lipid metabolism, including modification of dietary lipids. The editors welcome methods papers that provide new ways of purifying, identifying and quantifying lipids. The following are representative areas covered in the journal: Adipose tissue metabolism Animal models of lipid abnormalities Antioxidants and lipid peroxidation Apolipoproteins, lipid transport and metabolism Atherogenesis Bile acids and bile acid metabolism Biophysics Brain lipids Cell signaling Cholesterol synthesis and trafficking Clinical studies elucidating lipid dysfunction Dietary lipids and disease prevention Eicosanoids Fatty acid binding proteins and metabolism Genomics of lipids Inborn errors in lipid metabolism Lipases in lipid processing Lipid enzymes Lipidomics Lipid micelle structure and organization Lipid transfer proteins Lipoproteins Membrane lipids and structure Model systems Modified lipoproteins Neutral lipids Oxidized LDL Oxysterols and sterol metabolism Phospholipids and phospholipases Protein-lipid interactions Receptors for lipids Sphingolipids
Sponsoring Association(s)
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)
Publisher Name
Elsevier Inc - NY
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