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Current Genomics

Title Abbreviation
Curr Genomics
Electronic ISSN
Biologists, Industrial Scientists, Molecular Biologists, Scientists, Statisticians
Current Genomics is a peer-reviewed journal that provides essential reading about the latest and most important developments in genome science and related fields of research. Systems biology, systems modeling, machine learning, network inference, bioinformatics, computational biology, epigenetics, single cell genomics, extracellular vesicles, quantitative biology, and synthetic biology for the study of evolution, development, maintenance, aging and that of human health, human diseases, clinical genomics and precision medicine are topics of particular interest. The journal covers plant genomics. The journal will not consider articles dealing with breeding and livestock. Current Genomics publishes three types of articles including: i) Research papers from internationally-recognized experts reporting on new and original data generated at the genome scale level. Position papers dealing with new or challenging methodological approaches, whether experimental or mathematical, are greatly welcome in this section. ii) Authoritative and comprehensive full-length or mini reviews from widely recognized experts, covering the latest developments in genome science and related fields of research such as systems biology, statistics and machine learning, quantitative biology, and precision medicine. Proposals for mini-hot topics (2-3 review papers) and full hot topics (6-8 review papers) guest edited by internationally-recognized experts are welcome in this section. Hot topic proposals should not contain original data and they should contain articles originating from at least 2 different countries. iii) Opinion papers from internationally recognized experts addressing contemporary questions and issues in the field of genome science and systems biology and basic and clinical research practices.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
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