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Primary Health Care Research & Development

Title Abbreviation
Prim Health Care Res Dev
Electronic ISSN
Academics, Allied Health Professionals, Family Practice Physicians, General Practitioners, Health Service Researchers, Healthcare Executives, Managers, Midwives, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Policy Makers, Primary Care Physicians, Public Health Professionals, Researchers, Scientists
Primary Health Care Research & Development is a fully open access journal aimed specifically at both researchers and practitioners in primary health care, bridging the gap between primary health care research policy and practice. It provides a forum for the publication of international, interdisciplinary research and development in primary health care. The journal has a particular interest in research and development that addresses integration of health care services, intersectionality and transitions in care. It is essential reading for all involved in primary health care and we welcome manuscripts from all: nurses, GPs, midwives, health service managers; health economists, local groups in community health; researchers and academics; policy makers, commissioners of primary health care services; allied health professionals, health-related consumer groups and those working in public health. PHCR&D welcomes papers across the full range of research and evaluation methodologies. In addition to clinical research papers we also wish to include research and evaluation of innovations in education for primary health care and also studies that address the workforce issues. We also welcome review papers and protocol papers. Implementation of research and evaluation into primary health care practice is also an area of significance to the journal and studies that directly address the challenges and successes of implementation are welcomed by the editors. In all papers, authors should demonstrate how their research or development study relates to primary health care both in the context of their own country and globally.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Cambridge University Press
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