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5675 Journals
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Biologists, Clinical Microbiologists, Clinicians, Dermatologists, Epidemiologists, Gastroenterologists, Gynecologists, Infectious Disease Specialists, Microbiologists, Otolaryngologists/ENT Specialists, Veterinarians
The journal Mycoses provides an international forum for original papers in English on the pathogenesis, diagnosis, therapy, prophylaxis, and epidemiology of fungal infectious diseases in humans as well as on the biology of pathogenic fungi. Medical mycology as part of medical microbiology is advancing rapidly. Effective therapeutic strategies are already available in chemotherapy and are being further developed. Their application requires reliable laboratory diagnostic techniques, which, in turn, result from mycological basic research. Opportunistic mycoses vary greatly in their clinical and pathological symptoms, because the underlying disease of a patient at risk decisively determines their symptomatology and progress. The journal Mycoses is therefore of interest to scientists in fundamental mycological research, mycological laboratory diagnosticians and clinicians interested in fungal infections.
Sponsoring Association(s)
German Mycological Society (Deutschsprachige Mykologische Gesellschaft e.V.) (DMykG)
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