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Dermatologic Surgery

Title Abbreviation
Dermatol Surg
Electronic ISSN
Cytologists, Dermatologists, Oncologists, Pathologists, Plastic Surgeons, Surgeons, Surgical Oncologists
Exclusively devoted to dermatologic surgery, the Dermatologic Surgery journal publishes the most clinically comprehensive and up-to-date information in its field. This unique monthly journal provides today’s most expansive and in-depth coverage of cosmetic and reconstructive skin surgery and skin cancer through peer-reviewed original articles, extensive illustrations, case reports, ongoing features, literature reviews and correspondence. The journal provides information on the latest scientific information for all types of dermatologic surgery including: Ambulatory phlebectomy, Blepharoplasty, Body contouring, Chemical peels, Cryosurgery, Curettage and desiccation, Dermabrasion, Excision and closure, Flap Surgery, Grafting, Hair restoration surgery, Injectable neuromodulators, Laser surgery, Liposuction, Microdermabrasion, Microlipoinjection, Micropigmentation, Mohs micrographic surgery, Nail surgery, Phlebology, Sclerotherapy, Skin cancer surgery, Skin resurfacing, Soft-tissue fillers. Dermatologists, dermatologic surgeons, plastic surgeons, oculoplastic surgeons and facial plastic surgeons consider this a must-read publication for anyone in the field.
Sponsoring Association(s)
American College of Mohs Surgery (ACMS), American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), Dermatologic & Aesthetic Surgery International League (DASIL), International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)
Publisher Name
Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - MD
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