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Therapeutic Area
Biologists, Microbiologists, Researchers, Scientists
Genomics is a forum for describing the development of genome-scale technologies and their application to all areas of biological investigation. As a journal that has evolved with the field that carries its name, Genomics focuses on the development and application of cutting-edge methods, addressing fundamental questions with potential interest to a wide audience. Our aim is to publish the highest quality research and to provide authors with rapid, fair and accurate review and publication of manuscripts falling within our scope. Topics within the scope of Genomics include, but are not limited to: Genomics, Functional genomics, Evolutionary and comparative genomics, Genomics technology, Computational biology, Modern genetics, Epigenomics, Genomics regulatory analysis, disease pathogenesis, Medical Genomics, Genomics techniques. Genomics primarily publishes original research articles but also welcomes proposals for full-length and mini reviews. All submissions to Genomics are subject to rigorous peer review and our goal is to accept only the top 25-30% of submitted manuscripts.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Elsevier Science Academic Press - US
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