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Nature Reviews Genetics

Title Abbreviation
Nat Rev Genet
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Biologists, Researchers, Scientists, Technologists
Subjects Covered: Genomics: genome sequencing, genome projects, bioinformatics, cancer genomics, metagenomics, pharmacogenomics, resources; Functional genomics: transcriptomics, functional genomics screens, bioinformatics; Evolutionary genetics: evo-devo, genome evolution, comparative genomics, population genetics, phylogenetics; Technology: new techniques, experimental strategies, therapy, applied genetics and genomics, computational biology; Gene expression: gene regulatory elements, transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation, regulatory RNAs, broad perspectives on gene regulation, gene expression profiling, gene regulatory networks; Multifactorial genetics: complex traits, mapping strategies, technology, genetic variation; Disease: disease gene identification, relationship between genotype and phenotype, molecular pathology of genetic disease, complex disease, disease susceptibility/resistance; Chromosome biology: DNA elements, telomeres, centromeres, mobile elements, chromosome stability, DNA damage, meiosis and mitosis, nuclear organization, artificial chromosomes; Epigenetics: DNA methylation, histone modification, chromatin structure, imprinting, chromatin remodeling, epigenomics; Developmental biology: patterning, differentiation, stem cells, reproductive technology; Systems and networks: systems biology, biological networks, synthetic biology, modelling; Ethical, legal and social implications of genetics and genomics.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Nature Publishing Group - UK
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