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Title Abbreviation
Intervention (Amstelveen)
Electronic ISSN
Counselors, Mental Health Administrators, Mental Health Evaluators, Mental Health Policymakers, Nurses, Psychiatric Nurses, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Social Workers
Intervention, the Journal of Mental Health & Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas, is an open access journal, which is published twice a year. It is hosted by ARQ International, part of the renowned ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre in The Netherlands. We publish peer-reviewed articles that are relevant to individuals working in conflict affected areas, and to those working with refugees from areas of armed conflict around the world. We also welcome papers on mental health and psychosocial support in settings with limited formal resources of chronic adversity that are not directly related to war or violence, as well as papers situated within complex humanitarian emergencies. We seek to document work in mental health and psychosocial support in areas of conflict and make it accessible to all interested parties, whether in areas of armed conflict or elsewhere. We encourage submissions from a wide range of practitioners, researchers, academics and policymakers involved in mental health and psychosocial support, such as: People who work in the field of mental health and psychosocial support, including field workers, volunteers and professionals such as psychosocial counsellors, community workers, social workers, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatric nurses, occupational therapists and art therapists. Staff members of local or international nongovernmental organisations, implementing mental health and psychosocial support projects. Academics and students in the field of mental health and psychosocial support within academic institutions Policymakers in relevant fields within humanitarian aid agencies. Intervention Intervention publishes a range of articles, including more formal academic-style papers, field reports and personal reflections, as well as book reviews, commentaries and letters to the editor. Papers may be based on empirical research or practice, or present systematic or literature reviews. Field reports may be descriptions, evaluations or case studies of projects in the field of community mental health and psychosocial work, including training approaches for local professionals and community members. Personal reflections provide the opportunity for authors to share their thoughts on aspects of their work relevant to others in the humanitarian field.
Sponsoring Association(s)
War Trauma Foundation
Publisher Name
Medknow Publications - Wolters Kluwer
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