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Orthodontic Waves

Title Abbreviation
Orthod Waves
Therapeutic Area
Dentists, Periodontists
Orthodontic Waves is the official journal of the Japanese Orthodontic Society (JOS), inheriting the history of Journal of Japan Orthodontic Society established in 1932. The Orthodontic Waves Editorial Board, which holds editorial independence, consists of an Editor-in-Chief, 10 Associate Editors, 11 International Advisory Board members, and 2 Editorial Secretaries. The aim of Orthodontic Waves is to provide a high level of orthodontic services from Asia to the entire world and contribute to researchers, dentists, and other health professionals concerned with orthodontics and/or its related fields. Orthodontic Waves seeks to publish (i) Original articles, (ii) Case Reports, (iii) Short Communications and (iv) Review articles. Original articles stand on the scientific basis of orthodontics, and Case Reports and Short Communications covered include all techniques and approaches to treatment planning. The scope of this journal covers all areas of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics including basic and clinical research (e.g., biology, biochemistry, histology, physiology, diagnostic procedures, treatment planning, growth and development of the maxillofacial skeleton and its clinical implications, all techniques, orthodontic materials, skeletal anchorage devices, biomechanics, temporomandibular disorders, craniofacial anomalies, orthognathic surgery and adult treatment). Submissions and/or accepted papers to Orthodontic Waves have originated not only from Japan but also other countries around the world, thus showing an international focus.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Japanese Orthodontic Society (JOS)
Publisher Name
Taylor & Francis, Inc. - UK
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