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Lasers in Medical Science

Title Abbreviation
Lasers Med Sci
Electronic ISSN
Bioengineers, Dentists, Dermatologists, Radiologists, Surgeons, Technologists
Lasers in Medical Science (LIMS) has established itself as the leading international journal in the rapidly expanding field of medical and dental applications of lasers and light. It provides a forum for the publication of papers on the technical, experimental, and clinical aspects of the use of medical lasers, including lasers in surgery, endoscopy, angioplasty, hyperthermia of tumors, and photodynamic therapy. In addition to medical laser applications, LIMS presents high-quality manuscripts on a wide range of dental topics, including aesthetic dentistry, endodontics, orthodontics, and prosthodontics. The journal publishes articles on the medical and dental applications of novel laser technologies, light delivery systems, sensors to monitor laser effects, basic laser-tissue interactions, and the modeling of laser-tissue interactions. Beyond laser applications, LIMS features articles relating to the use of non-laser light-tissue interactions.
Sponsoring Association(s)
British Medical Laser Association (BMLA), European Laser Association (ELA), International Academy for Laser Medicine and Surgery (IALMS), Sociedad Española de Láser Médico Quirúrgico, World Academy for Laser Education in Dentistry (WALED)
Publisher Name
Springer-Verlag London Ltd.
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