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Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Title Abbreviation
Artif Intell Med
Electronic ISSN
Bioengineers, Computer Scientists, Technologists
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine publishes original articles from a wide variety of interdisciplinary perspectives concerning the theory and practice of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine, medically-oriented human biology, and health care. Artificial intelligence in medicine may be characterized as the scientific discipline pertaining to research studies, projects, and applications that aim at supporting decision-based medical tasks through knowledge- and/or data-intensive computer-based solutions that ultimately support and improve the performance of a human care provider. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine considers for publication manuscripts that have both: • Potential high impact in some medical or healthcare domain; • Strong novelty of method and theory related to AI and computer science techniques. Journal looking for novelty in the methodological and/or theoretical content of submitted papers. Methodological papers deal with the proposal of some strategy and related methods to solve some scientific issues in specific domains. Theoretical papers focus on more fundamental, general and formal topics of AI and must show the novel expected effects of the proposed solution in some medical or healthcare field.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Elsevier, Inc.
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