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International Journal of Psychophysiology

Title Abbreviation
Int J Psychophysiol
Electronic ISSN
Clinical Pharmacists, Clinical Pharmacologists, Electrophysiologists, Neurologists, Neuroscientists, Physiologists, Psychiatrists, Psychologists
The journal is interdisciplinary and aims to integrate the neurosciences and behavioral sciences. Empirical, theoretical, and review articles are encouraged in the following areas: • Cerebral psychophysiology: including functional brain mapping and neuroimaging with Event-Related Potentials (ERPs), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Electroencephalographic studies. • Autonomic functions: including bilateral electrodermal activity, pupillometry and blood volume changes. • Cardiovascular Psychophysiology: including studies of blood pressure, cardiac functioning and respiration. • Somatic psychophysiology: including muscle activity, eye movements and eye blinks. Manuscripts will detail the study of physiological measures such as the ones mentioned, or others, along with a variety of behavioral measures that may include sensation and perception, learning, memory, evolution and development of behaviour, motivation and emotion, aggression and defence, interhemispheric relations, information processing, sleep, stress, psychopharmacology and psychophysiological disorders. Also considered will be papers on Clinical Psychophysiology (cognitive, affective and psychotic disorders and psychopharmacology), including applied Psychophysiology (eg, ergonomics) and effects of behavior on immune function.
Sponsoring Association(s)
International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP)
Publisher Name
Elsevier, Inc.
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