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Food Control

Title Abbreviation
Food Control
Therapeutic Area
Managers, Nutritionists, Scientists, Technologists
Food Control is an international journal that publishes manuscripts resulting from original scientific investigation into significant food safety and food quality concerns and preventative control measures that improve public health. Manuscripts submitted to this journal should document the problem of concern, proper hypothesis, experimental design, data analysis, and interpretation of the observed results, supported by relevant statistical analysis. The research should have an international scope, not limiting to local issues. The journal focuses on postharvest human food safety and quality issues and welcomes submissions related to the areas of interest listed below: Microbial contaminants and food safety - causes and control measures, including isolation, detection, and intervention methods; Chemical and biochemical contaminants (mycotoxins included) - causes and control measures, including isolation, detection, and intervention methods; Food safety preventative control measures, including process development, HACCP, food safety objectives, quality assurance, and good manufacturing practices; Food safety risk assessment; Codes of practice, legislation and international harmonization; Consumer training and education; Food Authentication and Traceability.
Sponsoring Association(s)
European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST), International Union of Food Science & Technology (IUFosT)
Publisher Name
Elsevier, Inc.
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