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Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition

Title Abbreviation
J Hunger Environ Nutr
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Environmental Epidemiologists, Nutritionists, Policy Makers, Researchers, Scientists
The Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition is the premier peer-reviewed journal that examines global food and water system issues that impact access, nutrition, human health and ecological health. Comprehensively examines local, national, and international hunger and environmental nutrition issues — specifically food access, food and water security, food production and processing, food waste, natural resources, and the interconnectedness to nutrition and health. The journal is designed to provide current research and practical application strategies for policies, systems and environments that maintain optimal nutrition and well being for individuals and communities. Provides a distinguished venue for the publication of original articles prepared by scholars and practitioners and reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees. Publishes manuscripts that advance knowledge across the range of research and practice issues in nutrition, food and water security, health, agriculture and the environment; and Supports the professional growth of researchers, practitioners and policy makers in these areas.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Taylor & Francis, Inc. - US
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