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Parasites & Vectors

Title Abbreviation
Parasit Vectors
Electronic ISSN
Biologists, Environmental Epidemiologists, Epidemiologists, Immunologists, Industrial Scientists, Infectious Disease Specialists, Microbiologists, Pathologists, Researchers, Scientists
Parasites & Vectors is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal dealing with the biology of parasites, parasitic diseases, intermediate hosts, vectors and vector-borne pathogens. Manuscripts published in this journal will be available to everybody worldwide, with no barriers to access, immediately following acceptance. However, authors retain the copyright of their material and may use it, or distribute it, as they wish. High-quality manuscripts on all aspects of the basic and applied biology of parasites, parasitic diseases, intermediate hosts, vectors and vector-borne pathogens will be considered. In addition to the traditional and well-established areas of science in these fields, we also aim to provide a vehicle for publication of the rapidly developing resources and technology in parasite, intermediate host and vector genetics, genomics, proteomics. We are able to publish large datasets and extensive results, frequently associated with genomic and post-genomic technologies, which are not readily accommodated in traditional journals. Manuscripts addressing broader issues, for example epidemiology, economics, social sciences and global climate change in relation to parasites, vectors and parasitic disease control, are also welcomed.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
BioMed Central Ltd. (BMC)
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