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Source Code for Biology and Medicine

Title Abbreviation
Source Code Biol Med
Electronic ISSN
Biologists, Biomedical Researchers, Computer Scientists, Technologists
Source Code for Biology and Medicine considers manuscripts on all aspects of workflow for information systems, decision support systems, client user networks, database management, and data mining. The journal aims to publish source code for distribution and use in the public domain in order to advance biological and medical research. Through this dissemination, it may be possible to shorten the time required for solving certain computational problems for which there is limited source code availability or resources. Fundamentally, the overarching computation-related goals of the journal are to: Increase productivity among source code users working on problems of public and environmental health importance; Reduce discovery times in molecular and genomic sciences; Reduce search times for source code applied in biological and medical research; Provide a historical reflection of source code applied in various fields Serve as a repository for source code.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
BioMed Central Ltd. (BMC)
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