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Biomarkers in Medicine

Title Abbreviation
Biomark Med
Electronic ISSN
Biomedical Researchers, Clinicians, Pathologists, Researchers
Biomarkers in Medicine is a MEDLINE-indexed, peer-reviewed journal from the Future Science Group delivering vital research, commentary and analysis to the multidisciplinary biomarker research community. Biomarker research drives the development of new predictive, diagnostic and prognostic techniques, and also plays an important role in the discovery and development of new drugs. Biomarkers in Medicine advances understanding in the potential and actual applications of this research, translating knowledge into the clinic and increasing the effectiveness of medical practice. High-quality, methodologically sound papers are considered in the following areas, with manuscripts presenting multicenter human studies and clinical trials being given particular priority: Predictive, diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers; Biomarkers in drug discovery and development, including pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling and simulation; Biomarkers for clinical safety assessment and predicting adverse effects; Biomarkers in treatment decision making and monitoring; Optimum biomarker selection, validation and application; Bioanalytical method development and validation; Impact of biomarkers on medicine, including regulatory and ethical issues; The journal welcomes unsolicited article proposals, including for the submission of original research, narrative and systematic reviews, and opinion pieces. The journal offers rapid and open access publishing options.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Future Medicine Ltd.
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