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Cell Metabolism

Title Abbreviation
Cell Metab
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Cardiologists, Cell Biologists, Cytologists, Diabetologists, Endocrinologists, Exercise Physiologists, Gerontologists, Immunologists, Molecular Biologists, Nutritionists, Oncologists, Vascular Medicine Specialists
Welcome and thank you for considering submitting your work to Cell Metabolism. Established in 2005, Cell Metabolism is the top research journal dedicated to publishing novel, impactful papers spanning basic to clinical metabolic research. We are interested in original research addressing the molecular mechanisms underlying physiological homeostasis and what goes awry in disease. The journal's mission is to provide the metabolic community a forum for the exchange of ideas and concepts and to promote cross-disciplinary research and collaboration. In line with this, we aim to publish work that is not only of exceptional significance within its field, but also of interest to researchers outside the immediate area, promoting idea cross-pollination. Cell Metabolism's scope includes diabetes, obesity, pancreatic beta cell function, adipose tissue biology (white, brown, and beige), lipid metabolism, cardiovascular biology, immunometabolism, bone homeostasis, aging and stress responses, sarcopenia, intermediary metabolism and cancer, cachexia, neuronal control of metabolism and metabolic derangements causing neurodegeneration, circadian biology, stem cell energetics, exercise metabolism, the biology of mitochondria and other metabolic organelles such as peroxisomes and the ER, etc.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Cell Press
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