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American Health & Drug Benefits

Title Abbreviation
Am Health Drug Benefits
Electronic ISSN
Administrators, Health Service Researchers, Healthcare Executives, Hospital Administrators, Managed Care Specialists, Medical Directors, Policy Makers
American Health & Drug Benefits®—The Peer-Reviewed Journal for Real-World Evidence in Benefit Design™. American Health & Drug Benefits (AHDB) is an independent, peer-reviewed journal founded in 2008 on the concept that health and drug benefits have undergone a transformation: the econometric value of a therapy is currently of equal importance to clinical outcomes as it is to serving as the basis for coverage decisions and benefit designs. Because benefit designs are greatly affected by clinical, business, and policy conditions, the journal offers a forum for stakeholder integration and collaboration toward the promotion of value-based healthcare. AHDB further provides benefit design makers the integrated information they need to devise benefit designs and make coverage decisions that stand up to today’s special healthcare delivery and business needs.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Engage Healthcare Communications, LLC
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