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CTS: Clinical and Translational Science

Title Abbreviation
Clin Transl Sci
Electronic ISSN
Clinical Pharmacologists, Clinicians, Molecular Biologists, Pharmaco-Epidemiologists, Pharmacologists, Researchers, Scientists
CTS highlights original translational medicine research that helps bridge laboratory discoveries with the diagnosis and treatment of human disease. Translational medicine is a multi-faceted discipline with a focus on translational therapeutics. CTS welcomes high quality, scientifically sound, original manuscripts focused on clinical pharmacology and translational science, including animal, in vitro, in silico, and clinical studies supporting the breadth of drug discovery, development, regulation and clinical use of both traditional drugs and innovative modalities. Topics of interest include:Translational medicine, including studies focused on Interrogation/evaluation of mechanism-of-action, human physiology, and interruption of disease pathophysiology; Hypothesis generating non-clinical and clinical studies, including small clinical trials; Clinical pharmacology studies with a focus on translational research in discovery, development, regulation and use of pharmacologic agents to improve clinical outcome, and inform optimal use of therapeutics in patients; Evaluation of various biomarkers as well as assessing the linkage between biomarker response and clinical endpoints in patients, including studies that identify or support biomarkers that can be used at any stage of drug development; Studies of response to a therapeutic intervention in a particular disease that may translate to a response in another disease, as well as translation of safety signals across species and/or patient populations; etc.
Sponsoring Association(s)
American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ASCPT)
Publisher Name
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