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Protein & Peptide Letters

Title Abbreviation
Protein Pept Lett
Electronic ISSN
Biomedical Researchers, Molecular Biologists, Pharmacologists, Researchers, Technologists
Protein & Peptide Letters publishes letters, original research papers, mini-reviews and guest edited issues in all important aspects of protein and peptide research, including structural studies, advances in recombinant expression, function, synthesis, enzymology, immunology, molecular modeling, and drug design. Manuscripts must have a significant element of novelty, timeliness and urgency that merit rapid publication. Reports of crystallization and preliminary structure determination of biologically important proteins are considered only if they include significant new approaches or deal with proteins of immediate importance, and preliminary structure determinations of biologically important proteins. Purely theoretical/review papers should provide new insight into the principles of protein/peptide structure and function. Manuscripts describing computational work should include some experimental data to provide confirmation of the results of calculations. Protein & Peptide Letters focuses on: Structure Studies; Advances in Recombinant Expression; Drug Design; Chemical Synthesis; Function; Pharmacology; Enzymology; Conformational Analysis; Immunology; Biotechnology; Protein Engineering; Protein Folding; Sequencing; Molecular Recognition; Purification and Analysis.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
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