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Pharmaceutical Statistics

Title Abbreviation
Pharm Stat
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Biologists, Chemists, Clinicians, Medicinal Chemists, Pharmacists, Pharmacologists, Researchers, Scientists, Statisticians, Toxicologists
Pharmaceutical Statistics is an industry-led initiative, tackling real problems in statistical applications. The Journal publishes papers that share experiences in the practical application of statistics within the pharmaceutical industry. It covers all aspects of pharmaceutical statistical applications from discovery, through pre-clinical development, clinical development, post-marketing surveillance, consumer health, production, epidemiology, and health economics. The Journal is both international and multidisciplinary. It includes high quality practical papers, case studies and review papers. The aims of the Journal are to: 1. Disseminate information and practical examples of the full range of statistical methods and statistical thinking in all stages of drug development, from discovery to production; 2. Debate the current practice and application of statistics within the pharmaceutical industry and how this can best be developed; 3. Discuss and bring awareness to regulatory guidance documents; 4. Provide a vehicle for communication between practitioners, researchers, educators and policy makers concerned with the application of statistics within drug development; 5. Provide guidance and tutorials to statisticians working within the pharmaceutical area. The intended audience includes statisticians working in the pharmaceutical industry and their colleagues such as clinicians, toxicologists, biologists, biochemists, chemists and genomic scientists as well as all applied medical researchers.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Promoting Statistical Insight (PSI)
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