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Genetics Research

Title Abbreviation
Genet Res
Electronic ISSN
Biologists, Molecular Biologists, Researchers, Scientists
Genetics Research is a fully open access journal providing a key forum for original research on all aspects of human and animal genetics, reporting key findings on genomes, genes, mutations and molecular interactions, extending out to developmental, evolutionary, and population genetics as well as ethical, legal and social aspects. Our aim is to lead to a better understanding of genetic processes in health and disease. The journal focuses on the use of new technologies, such as next generation sequencing together with bioinformatics analysis, to produce increasingly detailed views of how genes function in tissues and how these genes perform, individually or collectively, in normal development and disease aetiology. The journal publishes original work, review articles, short papers, computational studies, and novel methods and techniques in research covering humans and well-established genetic organisms. Key subject areas include medical genetics, genomics, human evolutionary and population genetics, bioinformatics, genetics of complex traits, molecular and developmental genetics, Evo-Devo, quantitative and statistical genetics, behavioural genetics and environmental genetics. The breadth and quality of research make the journal an invaluable resource for medical geneticists, molecular biologists, bioinformaticians and researchers involved in genetic basis of diseases, evolutionary and developmental studies.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. - NJ
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