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Trends in Biotechnology

Title Abbreviation
Trends Biotechnol
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Biologists, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Microbiologists, Molecular Biologists, Scientists, Technologists
Trends in Biotechnology publishes reviews and perspectives on the applied biological sciences: useful science applied to, derived from, or inspired by living systems. The major themes that TIBTECH is interested in include: Bioprocessing (biochemical engineering, applied enzymology, industrial biotechnology, biofuels, metabolic engineering); Omics (genome editing, single-cell technologies, bioinformatics, synthetic biology); Materials and devices (bionanotechnology, biomaterials, diagnostics/imaging/detection, soft robotics, biosensors/bioelectronics); Therapeutics (biofabrication, stem cells, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, antibodies and other protein drugs, drug delivery); Agroenvironment (environmental engineering, bioremediation, genetically modified crops, sustainable development). Reviews of mechanistic or phenomenological biology are generally not within TIBTECH's scope, although we do consider reviews of technologies developed from basic biology as long as there's an application in mind. TIBTECH has a diverse audience that reflects its intentionally broad scope. Our readers include not only biologists but also engineers, chemists, pharmacologists, computer scientists, and physicians, and they work in academic, clinical, industrial, NGO, and governmental settings. Therefore, we emphasize accessible articles that are easy to read, and we encourage authors to keep in mind that many readers may not be familiar with their field's specific terminology.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Publisher Name
Cell Press
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