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Free Radical Research

Title Abbreviation
Free Radic Res
Electronic ISSN
Biomedical Researchers, Industrial Scientists, Molecular Biologists, Researchers, Scientists, Scientists - Research/Biomedical Aging
Free Radical Research aims to publish high-quality research papers, hypotheses and reviews in all areas in the fields of: Free radicals and other reactive species in biological, clinical, environmental and other systems; Redox signalling; Antioxidants, including diet-derived antioxidants and other relevant aspects of human nutrition; Oxidative damage, mechanisms and measurement. Manuscripts should contribute a significant advance to the field, supported by clearly-presented data and statistical analysis. Manuscripts should be as concise as possible subject to the need to present relevant background, data and methods. Reviewers are strongly encouraged to identify areas of the manuscript that could be shortened. FRR discourages papers that are purely descriptive (e.g. a catalogue of changes in antioxidant levels in a human disease or after administering a toxin to an animal). We also discourage ‘screening’ papers, such as the use of ‘total antioxidant activity’ assays to compare the antioxidant activities of plant extracts or herbal medicines including traditional medicines.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Society for Free Radical Research Asia (SFRR Asia)
Publisher Name
Taylor & Francis, Inc. - UK
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