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Molecular Microbiology

Title Abbreviation
Mol Microbiol
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Cell Biologists, Cytologists, Medicinal Chemists, Microbiologists, Molecular Biologists, Physiologists, Scientists
Molecular Microbiology encompasses all areas of microbiology, from basic to translational research. The journal aims at attracting research content of the highest quality and novelty. It will publish studies of all microbes (Bacteria, Archaea, eukaryotic microorganisms, and Viruses), while retaining its historical emphasis on studies that provide significant new biological insights into the systems under study. It is expected that contributions will lead to a deeper understanding of the molecular principles underlying basic physiological processes, mechanisms, biological functions, or interactions between microbes, their hosts, or the environment. Insights should be supported by quantitative data obtained through cellular, biochemical, bioinformatic, imaging, structural, genomic, or genetic approaches. We welcome breakthroughs made using emerging methodologies and cutting-edge technologies. The journal encourages cross-disciplinary approaches including the use of computational analyses to inform experimental studies. The journal will thereby strengthen its service to the broader microbiology research community. Scope includes but is not limited to: Cell biology, Cell–cell communication and signaling pathways, Evolution, Enzymology, Gene expression and regulation, Gene transfer, Host–microbe interactions, Intracellular organization, architecture, Macromolecular synthesis, Membrane biogenesis and function, Metabolism, Microbial ecology, Microbiota, microbiome, Mutualistic and symbiotic relationships, Pathogenicity, virulence, Physiology, Structural biology, Synthetic microbiology, Traffic and transport.
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