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Nature Reviews Microbiology

Title Abbreviation
Nat Rev Microbiol
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Therapeutic Area
Cell Biologists, Environmental Epidemiologists, Industrial Scientists, Microbiologists, Molecular Biologists
The advent of new technologies and growing recognition of the enormous degree of microbial diversity has revolutionized our understanding of microbiology as a discipline. Microbiology is moving into a new era that focuses less on specific organisms and more on the processes and mechanisms that link them. Nature Reviews Microbiology embraces this new era by encompassing the discipline in its broadest sense. We take an integrated approach to microbiology, bridging fundamental research and its clinical, industrial and environmental applications to create a single information resource for all who share an interest in microbial life. Nature Reviews Microbiology publishes the highest-quality reviews and perspectives highlighting important developments in our understanding of bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi and protozoa, their interaction with their environments, how these organisms are harnessed in human endeavour and their impact on society. Also featured are timely summaries of significant research papers, as well as monthly updates on the latest developments in microbial genomics, post-genomic biology and infectious diseases. In line with our ongoing ambition to overcome the traditional barriers between bacteriology, virology, mycology and archaeal and protozoan biology, articles are tailored to appeal to microbiologists of every persuasion and at every level. The scope of the journal encompasses, but will not be limited to, the following fields pertaining to bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi and protozoa.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Nature Publishing Group - UK
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